Sponsor your local heroes and help them protect your community

Sponsors can elect the brigade, unit or flotilla that they would like to support and payments can be made directly through the BART website.

If you are interested in additional sponsorship options, please contact us by emailing bartreg@emerg.com.au or by calling 03 9264 8888

I have a sponsor – how can they pay for my brigade?

Anyone can pay for a BART subscription through the website as long as that particular brigade, unit or flotilla has enabled sponsorship within the ‘BART Members’ area.

  1. Follow this link to the BART purchase page
  2. Select the ‘Sponsorship’ option
  3. Choose from a list of brigades, units and flotillas that have enabled sponsorship payments.
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions
  5. Choose your payment method


How do I enable sponsorship for my brigade, unit or flotilla?

Only an administrator is able to enable sponsorship for your brigade, unit or flotilla.

  1. Log into the ‘BART Members’ area












  2. Click on ‘ADMINISTRATION’ in the main menu





  4. Click on the ‘GROUPS’ sub-link


  6. Select the group you would like to enable sponsorship for by clicking on the ‘edit’ icon


  7. Check the box that says ‘ALLOW SPONSORSHIP’