BART Community
The December to February period each year is our most vulnerable period when it comes to bushfires, floods and cyclones in Australia.
In Los Angles, towns like Boronia and Blackburn with Gum trees are burning. Hope this does not happen in Australia; the world fire situation is changing.
View the AFAC Fire Season 2024 Outlook here
BART, the chosen two-way communication system to over 165,000 first responders throughout Australia and New Zealand, under the name BART Community, is offered at no cost for the coming bushfire, flood and cyclone season to Administrators of:
- Disaster Management Programs
- Fire Ready Programs and
- Established Self Help Community Groups
BART Community has been successfully in operation under the pilot name ‘BART Fire Tree’ for over two years at Roleystone in Western Australia, in conjuction with the Roleystone Volunteer Fire Rescue Service.
We know how critical it is to remain connected – before, during and after a natural disaster in your local community. BART Community is a tool to assist in the preparation, situation awareness and actions you must take.
BART Community is about self-help groups working together in preparation for the coming natural disaster season with a proven two-way communication system.
The State and Emergency Agenies via State Apps, media such as Radio, Television, SMS Text, App alerts, Social Media, etc provide the prime information on unfolding emergencies.
Please note: Participating Stakeholders and Residents (known as Participants) MUST NOT RELY SOLEY on messaging from BART Community to act upon any unfolding emergency.
How does it Work?
BART Community is made up of 2 main areas:
- COMMUNITY CENTRES – Community Administrators and Group Administrators representing the Brigade, Unit, Council, Organisation or Committee
- GROUPS – Group Administrator and Participants (i.e. Stakeholders and Residents)

Each Group with its Group Administrator operates independently of each other, and members of a particular group do not view the activities of other groups. All discussions, events and group broadcasts stay at the local level and it is at the discretion of the Group Administrator.
The Community Centre can monitor and manage all Groups within their local area through the Administration Portal or Dashboard.
General Process
- The Brigade, Unit, Council, Organisation or Committee receives information that is important to the community
- The information is relayed to all or some Group Administrators
- The Group Administrators relay information to the Participants
- The Participants receive a Push Notification on their Smart Phone and/or an SMS
- The Participants can respond using the Thumbs Up to indicate that they have received the message
- The Participants receiving an evacuation message can respond using the:
- Thumbs Up to indicate they are leaving
- Thumbs Down to indicate they are not leaving or
- Other to indicate they are undecided or need assistance
- The responses to messages can be seen by all Participants. If a Resident hasn’t responded, action can be taken by the Street Coordinator or a Neighbour
- The Participants can also communicate among themselves during non-critical times using the Group Broadcast or Discussions function, which is managed by the Group Administrators
Key Features
- BART as a communication solution is utilised by over 165,000 first responders; familiar and tested
- BART Community was adapted for Residents; for community use
- Easy to install and use; can be used immediately
- Allows small independent groups to self-manage; local flexibility
- Simple thumbs-up acknowledging to the message or alert on your phone; the devices we all use
- Safe Area and where each other are, during an evacuation, is shown on the map; we see where we all are
- The Participants can contact those not responding to the message or alert; working together
Low Future Investment
The Stakeholders and Residents (i.e. Participants) do not require a licence and SMSs are provided at no cost.
BART was provided to volunteers at no cost for the first year; applying a very low cost licence in the second and subject years. The current cost is $160 per year for a group for ten licences (thereafter the additional licences are at $16 pa) or $30 pa for individual licences. It is anticipated that this approach, may apply to Administrators only, after this season’s sponsorship.
There are grants available via your local Federal Member of Parliament; for example, for information from Phillip Thompson OAM MP in Queensland; for grant opportunities visit the website, or There are other opportunities for grants and or sponsorship locally.
Sign Up for BART Community
If you’re interested in participating in BART Community, follow the link below to register: